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01162 600021

or in case of any difficulty, chat to Richard on 0116 2645903

We look forward to hearing from you

peace of mind

Making a Will

Most people recognize that having a Will is a good idea but the first and most important step with making a will is to decide to contact a solicitor.

We'll make it easy for you to set up.

We've also made it easy to afford. Most of our wills are fixed price and you will know what you are going to pay in advance.

We also want to make wills that are easy to understand. We try to use plain English where possible and even where we absolutely have to use established legal terms we will take care to explain them to you carefully.

We will also speak to you to in a friendly and relaxed way.

We do not need to know exactly how much money you have, although a broad idea would help if Inheritance Tax arises.

After you've been to us, you'll then be well placed to make changes in your will if your circumstances alter in the future. And since we never know when those circumstances might change, contacting us now is one of the best moves you can make. Telephone Jane Green on 0116 2645901 or the general office on 0116 2600021 or use the contact form.

Richard Knight and Company